The exhibition “Painting Color Space” by Imi Knoebel confirms Dep Art Gallery’s interest in German artists working in the minimalist field, such as Regine Schumann...
Dan Halter was born in Zimbabwe in 1977 and currently lives in South Africa. In 2001 he graduated from the University of Cape Town. His...
When I think about the personality and the activity of Vincenzo Estremo, the first word that comes to my mind is “multiplicity”: he is a...
Artopia Gallery (via Lazzaro Papi 2, Milan) by Rita Urso opened for its first exhibition on February 2001, with the show In punta di piedi...
Marko Tadić was born in 1979 in Sisak (Croatia) and he studied painting in Florence. He is a very experimental artist who uses many different...
Delio Jasse is an artist who uses the archive and some unconventional printing processes in his practice like cyanotype and van dyke brown. Lucrezia CostaGraduated...
Manifesta 13 in Marseille has just closed and Alessandra Ferrini participated with a collective work titled Rue d’Alger. Lucrezia CostaGraduated in photography and specializing in