Acappella presents “Occhio Furbetto” (“Sly Eye”), a group show that explores the relationship between contemporary artists and historical tradition, highlighting how the latter is not...
Vladislav Markov – Russian artist born in 1993 – with his solo exhibition “blood thinner, low-dose aspirin, best painkillers for kids”, transforms The Address gallery...
Downward looking, grounded, conical vision of the ‘where’, the ‘how’, curious and wondering above all about the ‘who’. Expression of personality, object to be used,...
The Underneath the Arches programme continues to interweave contemporary art and archaeology with the exhibition Spirit Level, a project by the artists Vibeke Mascini and...
The opening of ieedificio57 in San Gimignano marks the birth of an unconventional exhibition space, a non-profit platform dedicated to research and experimentation in the...
To everything there exists its exact opposite. The opposite that sanctions the convergent. Polarity and extremism. Fields of force that collimate and file, fuse and...
Ambiguity, metamorphosis, obsession: the single defining the whole. Peremptory, energetic, conformist: artificial description beyond reality. Indicating, judging, coercive: an infused dance between different similarities. Massimiliano...
Combining sensory and perceptual components. Creating images between memory and reality. A synesthesia of fluid forms and colour. Art unfolds through the gaze, art unfolds...
The idea is the incipt of the story. They are stories to be told, letters that form words, words that form images. Imagination is the...
A set of lines like a tactical scheme. Rigour and technique reveal originality and fantasy. Ordinary chaos plays with colour, chaotic order challenges it in...
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