bn+BRINANOVARA: Lieber Maler, male mir

bn+BRINANOVARA: Lieber Maler, male mir

Anti-conformism and anti-academism fathers guiding material and chromatic readings. History untangles itself from its path. Forward and backward blends. Reinterpretation, provocation, contemporary libertinism: bn+BRINANOVARA – painters from Milan, born ’93 and ’94 – without any delay can be considered punk artists. A duo that makes countercultural and subversive works with a poetic and unprejudiced language.

bn+BRINANOVARA, “Alla Colonna”, 2023, acrilico e spray su tela, 207 x 190 cm, The Address Art Gallery, 2023, photo Alberto Petrò, courtesy the artists and The Address Brescia

The history of contemporary painting is broadly challenged with the works by the Milanese duo with the opening of their solo exhibition entitled Lieber Maler, male mir in The Address gallery in Brescia. Not only the recognition of different painting styles are present in the shapes and colors of the works, but also the historical and cultural references that forged their thoughts and visions. A kind of space-time journey without beginning or end, in an apparent chaos of uncertainties and reinterpretations.

bn+BRINANOVARA, “Cavallo Magno”, 2023, olio, acrilico e spray su tela, 207 x 190 cm, The Address Art Gallery, 2023, photo Alberto Petrò, courtesy the artists and The Address Brescia

The title is an homage to a pictorial series by German artist Kippenberger, deepening his already unorthodox approach to art making, rejecting the idea of the artist as a singular genius and author. Still keeping in mind the title of the exhibition, in its translation from German, we arrive at the exclamation “dear painter, paint for me”: this is the leitmotif of the artistic duo’s production, a perfect synchrony and symphony of thought and manufacture. More, the completeness of the work by grace of references and insights by even the viewer by self-imposed will of cultures and references. Such pictorial manifesto guides the two painters in what is confluence of styles and thoughts in the art world, of conflict and confrontation, of commission and commingling.

bn+BRINANOVARA, “Lieber Maler, male mir”, exhibition view (II), The Address Art Gallery, 2023, photo Alberto Petrò, courtesy the artists and The Address Brescia

Concepts such as abstraction and figuration are put in the same ring to pummel each other chromatically without any dominance. Expression and impression of gestures make the material concreteness of signs popular and recognizable. One example is the mixed media work Cavallo Magno in which the celebrated figure of the mosaic Battle of Issus is mixed between warm and cold colors in amorphous, flowing figures. All the works in the exhibition were made exclusively, and this is where the pictorial force of bn+BRINANOVARA gravitates. The universality of their painting is as changeable as it is concretely static. It is a ebb and flow of observations and reflections to question what to date is artistic certainty and contemporary consecutio temporum.


bn+BRINANOVARA: Lieber Maler, male mir
02/12 2023 – 04/02 2024
The Address Art gallery
Via Felice Cavallotti 5, Brescia


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