Bruno Cerasi. Are we all Connected?

Until 12 November it will be possible to discover the new Onstream Gallery online exhibition, Are we all Connected? by Bruno Cerasi, who will create an intriguing connection between the real and virtual world, involving the audience through a set of invisible connections.

Onstream Gallery is a digital project that has the dual objective of breaking down the barriers of the Art Market and offering a respectable cultural experience in the panorama of Italian galleries. It will be possible to visit the exhibitions online by accessing the site and at the same time supporting the various guest artists of the exhibitions, purchasing their works of art.

The project was born from the will of two very young art historians, enterprising and creative, Eleonora Rebiscini and Chiara Gesualdo, who, after having thoroughly studied the gaps in the Art Market in Italy and abroad, immediately had clear a goal: that of breaking down the barriers of elitism typical of the art world and exploiting the power of the Web to reach more audiences, involving them directly, wherever they are.

The Gallery aims to be a reference point for emerging artists, both from an exhibition and a commercial point of view. It is aimed at an audience that is not only made up of those who are commonly defined as Art Lovers, but also to simple enthusiasts who, for one reason or another, have never come into contact with the Galleries, so that they can discover this world.

The exhibition features Bruno Cerasi, who transposes a great strength of spirit and a great love for art into all his works. The artist was trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in L’Aquila but his artistic production undergoes a profound change, following a traumatic event in his life. In 2009, in fact, he partially lost the use of sight following a cerebral stroke. Also because of this, his investigation focuses on studying the invisible connections that bind people.

The exhibition creates a compelling combination of online and offline dimensions. It will be possible to participate in the exhibition, despite being in different cities around Italy: the public will in fact be able to create an origami, Bruno Cerasi’s paper butterfly. Once created, one will have to take it to a special place for them and photograph it.

Only at the end, to become co-creators of the exhibition, the online visitors will be able to share their special place with OnstreamGallery through a photo on Instagram. These places will help design an interactive map visible on the gallery’s website. It will be from the connection of these special places that the artist will start to create a final work: a constellation of geographic points connected to each other.

Are We All Connected? it is the final stage of a journey that Bruno Cerasi has undertaken for a long time. In this project all the elements that have characterized his artistic research to date are present, with a special focus on the concept of invisible connection, a bond that goes beyond the spatiality and physicality of the act but at the same time cannot live without it.

Hence the hybrid and connected identity of the exhibition where the real and the virtual interact with each other and depend on each other: where one exists by virtue of the other. Although online, it is done offline, creating a space where the real and the virtual meet in a symbiotic universe. Don’t miss it and become co-creators!

Are We All Connected? will remain online until November 5th, discover all the contents on the onstream gallery website ( and on the official Instagram profile @onstreamgallery, there will be many surprises!

Will you all be connected?

Valeria Fortuna

Eleonora Rebiscini and Chiara Gesualdo, Onstream Gallery cofounders

Bruno Cerasi. Are we all Connected?Bruno Cerasi. Are we all Connected?, 2020. Courtesy Onstream Gallery


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