Fabrizio Tridenti at YAG/Garage in a retrospective...

Fabrizio Tridenti at YAG/Garage in a retrospective soliloquy

From 10 September to 11 November, YAG/Garage Gallery, Pescara, features Soliloquio, a retrospective curated by Ivan D’Alberto of the sculptor and designer Fabrizio Tridenti, who, after more than a decade, comes back to Abruzzo to exhibit his works.

The exhibition shows the long and rich path that the artist has carried out in the last few years, meeting and subverting the principles of the artistic creation, emerging in the international scene. Fabrizio Tridenti started as a craftsman specialized in the production of contemporary jewelry, but still exploring the different implications of a precious art and ancestral echoes, and, at the same time, involved into an active and continuous research. The changing dimension that derives from this combination is absolutely evident in the visual scan of the works, which outline in the open space of the gallery the identity and image of the artist from his beginnings to the present days.

Tiny assemblies, and potentially scalable up to become geometrical machines, place one next to the other slowly revealing their revolutionary nature and catalyzing the look on every small compositional element and their shiny and metallic colors. Irrational combinations that manifest the essence of a game located at the origin of the real human activity, which is the focus of investigation of the exhibition. In Tridenti’s works, experimentation is combined with the need to deconstruct in order to continue his discourse, which intercepts the matrices of a multi-directional reflection, projection of the artworks themselves towards a non-place of thought.

In Soliloquio we see how gradually image and content transfigure along the way, arriving at a complete zeroing, which can be a symptom of incommunicability or, on the contrary, of total openness to listening. The course of time accompanies this introspection, contaminated by oriental philosophies and by the contact with the expressiveness of African symbolism, which return in the sculptures and tribal ornaments, in neutral and earthy colors. Suddenly the jewel becomes present in the absence, disappears from the canonical location to become memory.

Meanwhile, the details, captured by the artist in an urban and escaping routine, become huge posters with contrasting colors, which make a stain or a fragment the protagonists.

Minimalism then establishes itself as the distinctive feature in which elaborate solutions, linear and abstract shapes but highly dense in meaning, and defined through a basic chromatism that strikes the eye stimulating existential questions. Black and white have a very strong conceptual value at this stage, since each of the two non-colors can make one sink into light or into darkness, into everything or into nothing. The individual is in fact in a continuous oscillation between contrasts of sense, between opposites that remain suspended.

The wait generates a feeling of incompleteness and phase shift, and in the last period the artist overcomes the superstructure of both form and content, opting for an empty container. In this way the role of signifier is bounced back to the public, which, in the aesthetic experience of the various languages proposed, chooses to capture the aspects placed between a past and a present that are in motion between them and outwards.

The Soliloquio in which Fabrizio Tridenti abstracts himself is populated by images that slowly wear thin and become ghosts, flakes of reality and experiences, that overwhelm him by lightly filling the liquid vacuum of the tubes and frames.

Cecilia Buccioni


Fabrizio Tridenti, Soliloquio
10/09/2022 – 11/11/2022
via Caravaggio 125, Pescara

Fabrizio Tridenti, Untitled, 2011. Print, photography 1/10. Ph. G.Di Meo, courtesy the artist and YAG/Garage Gallery

Fabrizio Tridenti, Soliloquio, exhibition view, YAG/garage Pescara, 2022 Photo G. Di Meo, courtesy l’artista e Galleria YAG/Garage


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