IABO 20th: twenty years of urban e street art lang...

IABO 20th: twenty years of urban e street art languages

PAN Palazzo delle Arti in Naples reopens its doors with IABO’s major anthology exhibition, an artist from the Neapolitan land. From 2003 until today, twenty years of career are consecrated inside the exhibition space, twenty years of research, expressions, urban and street art languages.

IABO 20th, exhibition view, PAN | Palazzo delle Arti, Naples, 2023. Ph. Vincenzo Capasso courtesy PAN | Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli

“IABO 20th” is an exhibition that fits into the contemporary scene with a preponderant and compelling force. Curated by Annalisa Ferraro, the artist stages his experiences marked by that typical writing gesturality – that is, his very first beginnings – to arrive and complete in a mastery of color and images: a synchronicity of unique craft. IABO establishes himself among the greatest expressions of New Muralism, his art is about the people and for the people with references to politics, mass media, fantasy, art history and beyond. All of this is seasoned with sagacity and irony, arousing both awe and reflection, provocation and elegance. His works are paradoxical, they are improbable associations of figures, puns, a mix of languages that cannot be just defined free, but the result of a healthy and courageous arrogance.

IABO, I want to be an artist, 2021. Mixed media on canvas, 2715 x 275 x 15 cm. Ph. Vincenzo Capasso, courtesy PAN | Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli

Inside the show rooms, IABO presents a multitude of pieces that overflow their pictorial surface going far and wide, transforming the space, in a perfect alternation between container and content, meaning and signifier. The curiosity in admiring all of this ideally brings one back to the street, that place which germinates with this kind of art, that has nothing to do with a closed, caged space. The artist has been able to balance his pictorial production with tenacity and reproducibility, flaunting a singular and highly expressive aesthetic.

IABO, Noi siamo tutti dei super-eroi, 2021. Mixed media on canvas, 2715 x 275 x 15 cm. Ph. Vincenzo Capasso, courtesy PAN | Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli

Throughout the period of the exhibition there will be meetings with experts in the field of art and culture, there will be educational events for students, workshops, debates, presentations, with the intervention of local and national realities. Of significant importance is the collaboration with Fondazione Silvia Ruotolo onlus: the mission of recovery and support aimed at all those young people living in conditions of disadvantage and marginality will also enrich the program with the support of educational and scholastic institutions. IABO, its staff and all the people who have enabled the realization of this anthological exhibition have chosen to make the access free to all, in order to empower a cultural and social event altogether.


curated by Annalisa Ferraro
27/01/2023 – 09/03/2023
PAN | Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli
Via dei Mille 60, Naples


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