L’ordine nascosto at Parco Archeologico di Veio

L’ordine nascosto at Parco Archeologico di Veio

In the vestiges of the ancient Etruscan city in Rome, within the Veio Archaeological Park complex, the private garden of artists Alberto Emiliano Durante and Giulia Manfredi becomes an aesthetic place of knowledge and consciousness, with the Contemporary Art Group Show curated by Francesca Romana de Paolis. L’ordine nascosto is the title of this exhibition, which includes the works by eleven artists: Yo Akao, Sergio Baldassini, Antonio Barbieri, Alberto Emiliano Durante, Emanuele Giannetti, Chiara Lecca, Giulia Manfredi, Alice Padovani, Fausto Roma, Silvia Scaringella, and Ludovico Tersigni.

Fausto Roma, Senza titolo, 2023, mixed media, dettaglio, courtesy dell’artista

Within the garden’s imposing verdant setting, the eleven artists present a sequence of experimental sculptures and installations, mixing their artifice with nature. Iron, stone and other materials blend in and branch their narrative between the earth and plants. It is an environment that connects being to its matrix, between the psyche and the body, between the spiritual and the material. The connection thus generated gives rise to a phenomenological language that inspires the mind to go beyond rationality. Every artist, through a work or group of works, reasons about what philosopher Jaques Lacan wrote: “the unconscious is structured like a language”. The challenge is to capture its logic, distinct from that which governs the plane of consciousness.

Alberto Emiliano Durante, Lapis, 2023, mixed media, dettaglio, courtesy dell’artista

Under the guidance of the young curator, the works are arranged strictly following the graphic logic of the Golden Spiral: the evocative meaning of the spiritual process and the enhancement of the grasping of existence finds tangents in the works of the eleven artists, to create a conceptual itinerary of Contemporary Art. Here the location changes into a garden of the unconscious in which multiple aspects of interiority can be found. And this is how the nomenclature of the exhibition takes value: the mathematical order established by the works and with the works invites the discovery of what is hidden in the hidden thought.

Silvia Scaringella, Swarming, 2023, mixed media, dimensioni variabili, courtesy dell’artista

L’ordine nascosto outlines a cognitive mapping of existence through aesthetic making that transforms the relationship between nature and human beings with rhetoric and transcendence. The exhibition will be open until July 3, 2023 with free entry.


A.A.V.V. L’ordine nascosto
03/06 – 03/07/2023
curated by Francesca Romana de Paolis
Parco Archeologico di Veio
Consorzio La Giacinta
Via della Giustiniana 959, interno 20A, Roma


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