Pietro Finelli in the new NAMI gallery art&de...

Pietro Finelli in the new NAMI gallery art&design in Naples

From an idea by Alessia Fiorillo and Sabrina Vitiello, NAMI gallery art&design was born in in the Chiaia district of Naples. The space aims to exhibit artworks belonging to the Contemporary and Design spheres, as well as to share cultural and creative moments, with an openness to emerging art. In addition to its Neapolitan branch, the gallery has a sister branch in Milan, hence the acronym NAMI that identifies it. The founders, daughter and mother respectively, have consolidated previous experience in contemporary art with the already well-known Galleria Cellamare Interno 56, also in the Chiaia district.

Pietro Finelli, Two, Noir LXXXVII, courtesy NAMI Gallery

To celebrate the opening of the new Neapolitan space, Pietro Finelli’s solo exhibition curated by Valentina Rippa opened. The artist and architect, born in ’57, brings to the stage a sequence of works belonging to his series inspired by classic noir films. His drawings, paintings and videos, in which the relationship between vision and gaze is outlined, reflect on how the perception of the image arouses certain emotions. The distinctive gesture in Finelli’s works is the relationship between light and shadow: it is not understood as just a difference between light and dark, but more as a profound difference of soul, between conscious and unconscious, between perceivable and transcendent. Black and white predominate within his works, which take shape from this chromatic dualism.

Pietro Finelli solo show, installation view at NAMI Gallery, courtesy NAMI Gallery

“Darkness is light”: so the artist declares his vision of art in parallelism with life. Pietro Finelli is greatly inspired by literature, poetry and photography, but it is with cinema that he expresses his most significant traits. In the work Two, Noir LXXXVII, the link with the cinematic universe is evident: the representation of a woman’s face doubled in front of a mirror – which makes a metaphorical reflection – vibrates on the canvas as in a filmographic composition. As well as in the other works on display, the viewer is invited not to separate painting and film, but to unite and interconnect them.

Pietro Finelli solo show, installation view at NAMI Gallery, courtesy NAMI Gallery

Storytelling, fantasy and life can be seen in a continuous stream of projections and introjections. Past, present and future emerge from that Hickokian blackness of truth and illusion. The path of the exhibition, in the artist’s own words, is an invitation to look beyond: “the darkness as a place of the most acute and founding vision, not to stop at appearances, to pierce the screen of conventions and vision”. And so it is that for the first exhibition in the Neapolitan premises of NAMIgallery art&design: the rooms host Pietro Finelli’s works as the cinema hosts the films and the spectator has no choice but to enter, make himself comfortable and watch.


Pietro Finelli solo show
10/11/2022 – 16/12/2022
NAMI gallery art&design
Via Carlo Poerio 9, Napoli


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