Since the end of the 60s Goran Trbuljak (b.1988, lives and works in Zagreb) investigates with irony and intelligence the limits of making art and...
“Del bello ideale” stands as emblem of an infinity research towards a harmonic, divine and ideal dimension. Vanessa IgnotiVanessa Ignoti (1993) graduated from the Fine
Bill Beckley (Hamburg, Pennsylvania, 1946) is one of the main exponents of international Narrative Art, which he approaches starting from the 60s with a conceptual...
In “Juliet” art magazine (print edition) I’m publishing a survey in installments on Urban Art, that is the creation of art works in public spaces...
On my intensive and constructive engagement with Luca Maria Patella, which dates back to 1965, I would have much to say in addition to what...