Acappella presents “Occhio Furbetto” (“Sly Eye”), a group show that explores the relationship between contemporary artists and historical tradition, highlighting how the latter is not...
In this autumn season NUB Project Space, the creature and place of Federico Fiori and Francesca Lenzi who since 2010 has been proposing events linked...
Making one’s own a face without citizenship, a body without respect. This is the sense that guides the production of Zehra Doğan, a modern-day artist...
There is a unique charm to the Nappe at the Northern Arsenale of Venice: a place where the past intertwines with the future, and ancient...
In Turin, in conjunction with Artissima, the fair that makes the city the center of the international art scene for a week, contemporary art events...
There are many international initiatives organized in 2024 to celebrate the centenary of Surrealism, starting with the big traveling retrospective that will be in Brussels,...
Five artists, five friends. A situation. This is the starting point of the new group exhibition set up at Galleria Antonio Battaglia in Milan. The...
In the exhibition “Nigeria. Mémoires d’Afrique” currently on show in Verona at the MAC – MeglioranziArtCollection, one of Maurice Mbikayi’s photographs is titled Masks of...
Contemporary art enthusiasts who frequent fairs and major international exhibitions will certainly have noticed how many artists today are dedicated to the recovery (in person...
The main merit of the Elpis Foundation with the exhibition YOU ARE HERE. Central Asia is that of delimiting the perimeter of a tile on...
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