Thinking about the presence in the contemporary so...

Thinking about the presence in the contemporary society. Hamelin: the exhibition-performance by Andrea Fiorino and Ciao Mare at spazioSERRA

From newsstand to exhibition space, spazioSERRA becomes the focal point of the stop Milano Lancetti. A liminal space, limbo and non-place, which, like a fracture, breaks the routine process of Milanese frenzy. Beyond the turnstiles, the octagonal structure stops the gaze to create new perceptions. To do so, the spazioSERRA collective appoints every year an exhibition season. Now it’s time for unpostoIMPOSSIBILE, the new season imagined to re-conceive this place. As artists, being able to adapt one’s own research in a non-defined space, becomes a timeless challenge. A place, where the dialogue between inside and outside is an absolute prerogative.

Andrea Fiorino and Ciao Mare, Hamelin. Il club impossibile degli ospiti indesiderati, I ATTO, exhibition view, courtesy spazioSERRA

Andrea Fiorino, a young Sicilian artist, now based in Milan, rises to the challenge and presents the exhibition-performance HAMELIN. Il club impossibile degli ospiti indesiderati. Fiorino takes us back to 1284, when Hamelin, a town in Lower Saxony, was invaded by mice. Only A Pied Piper could save the city. Thanks to his music he managed to deceive animals and lead them into the rivers, where they drowned. Despite the success, the musician didn’t receive the agreed payment, so he decided to devise his revenge. This time it would be the children to follow the notes of his piffero. Enchanted by the music, the infants disappeared into thin air.

Andrea Fiorino and Ciao Mare, Hamelin. Il club impossibile degli ospiti indesiderati, II ATTO, exhibition view, courtesy spazioSERRA

Fiorino resumes the story of the “Pied Piper” to transform spazioSERRA in an unknown place. The idea is to reflect on the attraction that humanity feels towards something that does not exist, or rather to understand how contemporary culture has affected the actual human presence. How to understand that hic et nunc (here and now) must be reclaimed? The artist uses the “extraordinary” element, as Manuela Piccolo writes in the critical text, to oppose the strict attitude of the present. The reference to Apollo and Dionysus is evident. Two narratives that collides once again. A clash that has already brought a winner. Those who decide to follow the euphoria are marginalized by a society that has no time to have fun. What if is this the solution? Why do we escape the infinite possibilities of life? Fiorino, through his research, protects the Dionysus spirit and incise a crack into the reality.

Andrea Fiorino and Ciao Mare, Hamelin. Il club impossibile degli ospiti indesiderati, III ATTO, exhibition view, courtesy spazioSERRA

The exhibition-performance is divided into three acts. In the first, spazioSERRA becomes a metaphor of the mysterious instrument of the Pied Piper. This time the view is obscured, and a muffled sound propagates from the exhibition place. From July, the 1st we begin to glimpse the interior of the space and the second act begins. For the occasion, the artist reveals himself to the public and he begins to engrave images on the window of spazioSERRA. The images created by Fiorino leads us to discover what there is into the space. The third act begins with Ciao Mare, a group of musicians, designers, photographers, seamstress and lawyers from Milan. Now we are inside the exhibition space, where the remains of an “impossible” party are preserved. Like a play HAMELIN. Il club impossibile degli ospiti indesiderati stages a story about the importance of the ephemeral in our society. The artist claims the role of those who celebrate and use imagination to think of new possible horizons, which can depart from the need to perform to be recognized by others.

Vittoria Mascellaro


Andrea Fiorino and Ciao Mare. Hamelin. Il club impossibile degli ospiti indesiderati
a cura di spazioSERRA
14/06/2023 – 16/07/2023
Stazione Milano Lancetti – Viale Vincenzo Lancetti 43, Milano


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