Shapeshifters Dance

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Date(s) - 23/11/2023 - 25/11/2023
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“Shapeshifters Dance” features works by German artist Nina Gospodin that are connected through their process. What happens to us as human beings in an environment in which we are integrated into a multitude of predefined processes, both professionally and privately? Gospodin is fascinated by the loss of control that accompanies the upheavals of digital transformation, the impossibility of anticipating or conceiving the outcome of this movement. Underlying the methodological approaches and technical tools of today is a promise of more freedom, which these tools paradoxically often seek to achieve through more data, more control. Processes can become formalisms that ultimately function by having people function within them.

Optimizing a process in terms of its function, as in technology, is rarely questioned, because this makes it more efficient. But how do processes change when freedom is injected? This is where Gospodin comes in, consciously working with fixed boundaries and designing processes to overcome predefined boundaries again and again.

In the center is a large-format watercolor. Gospodin follows a modular principle: she creates stencils from 16 basic elemental paintings. Through the stencils, areas of color can be arranged step by step on top of each other. With each layer of paint, the work is questioned anew and the further course of action is determined.

The picture develops gradually in the process of creation. For the creation of the picture the stencil serves as a tool. It is used, bound up in its function of controlling the application of paint. But when the stencil is released from this function, it acquires its own autonomous character as a work at eye level with the painting.

The image carrier of the watercolor, the paper, is cast and processed into its own object. Here the paper can show its character and material qualities again and differently. In the prints and small watercolors, too, elements are taken up and continued in this way.

Nina Gospodin (*1984 in Hamburg, Germany) is an artist and process engineer. The Angewandte alumni has discovered painting research as a playground to explore processes and procedures in depth. Unlike in technology, in the artistic approach a process cannot be justified solely by its functional context. Other aspects injected with freedom can also be taken up. Gospodin’s work therefore usually begins with the setting up of a process and starts from a fixed structure, a framework of forms, a grid at rest, which is then subjected to a material transformation. Her work has been exhibited on four continents, including Gallery Ulrich Mueller in Cologne, Germany, King’s College Cambridge, UK, Maseo Museo in Villa Soriano, Uruguay, Satchel Projects in New York City, USA, as well as Melbourne University in Australia. She is a founding member of the international I Found U Collective and publishes conversations from her artistic research as podcasts.

STEINGAST ART creates space for young emerging artists. You will find a carefully selected and curated collection of unique artworks and limited editions. The exhibition projects – online and offline – focus on linking art with design, nature, architecture, civilization and other areas of live.

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